
Viñas del Vero Gewürztraminer

The finest expression of the Gewürztraminer grape, the German-origin white variety. Its delicate nature and floral character are always a surprise. Let its green colour and its purity infuse all your senses.    
Viñas del Vero Gewürztraminer
Appearance icon
Greenish glints over a bright, pale-yellow background.
Smell icon
A broad palette of intoxicating aromas, with hints of flower petals and exotic fruit.
Tasting icon
Its initial velvety feel, the vast array of aromas that appear in the mouth and its unctuous texture make this a truly unique wine.

Pairing icon
Ideal to drink with all kinds of appetizer, foie gras, smoked food, spicy food, exotic dishes and full-fat cheese. Also ideal as a welcome drink.
Service icon
Serve at between 6 and 8ºC.


91 puntos en Guía Peñín 2021
91 points in the Guía Peñín, 2021
Medalla de Oro en los Premios Cinve 2020
Gold Medal in the Cinve 2020 Awards
Medalla de Oro en Mundus Vini 2020
Gold Medal at Mundus Vini 2020
Sakura Women’s Wine Awards 2020
Medalla de Oro en Sakura Women’s Wine Awards 2020